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Meets May 7, 2024.

😻 All our Meets events are nice, interactive and interesting. Our upcoming Meets the Future of Design Systems will have a look at where we think Design Systems might be evolving.

We have three performance experts speaking at our event. Register your free ticket and spread the love! We open our virtual doors 15 minutes before we start on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8 AM PT 🌍 and we’ll finish around 10 AM.

🌊 8 AM — San Diego (US)
👵🏾 11 AM — Miami (US)
🚂 5 PM — Copenhagen (DK)
🏍️ 11 PM — Bangkok (TH)


We love it when our speakers do live things: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So you can learn from their techniques (and mistakes).

Vitaly, the one who loves ironing, front-end, UX and has tons of crazy ideas.

Conference May 7

May 7 – Conference

7:45 AM

Doors Open

8:00 AM


For our upcoming Smashing Meets event on Web Performance, our friendly hosts Vitaly & Jarijn will welcome you and quickly explain how the Meets will run. We can’t wait to meet you!

8:10 AM

Custom Performance Metrics

Universal performance metrics like largest contentful paint give us a lot of insight, but they don't capture the whole performance story. Depending on client and use case, it can be useful to define custom metrics to capture the performance of what's most important for your specific users on your specific site.

In her talk, Terry will provide examples of these specific metrics, and she'll go through ways we can implement these metrics—tools like the User Timing API, the Element Timing API, and Server-Timing headers.

Terry O'Shea
8:50 AM

RSCs and Performance Tracking

RSCs, or React Server Components, are the latest innovation in React's ecosystem. It's a new architecture that leverages the benefits of both server-side and client-side rendering, but it also leverages streaming HTML to deliver the website contents as fast as possible.
In his talk, Lazar will explain what RSCs are, how they work under the hood, and how they impact the performance of the modern web.

Lazar Nikolov
9:10 AM

Short Break

Time to stretch those legs, visit that (extremely clean :) toilet, or even check your email!

9:20 AM

Demystifying Web Performance in China

Global web best practices often fall short in China's web environment.

In this session, Jodie will tackle common misconceptions when it comes to China web performance, demystify the elusive Great Firewall in technical terms, and provide an evaluation framework using real-world case studies.

Jodie Chan
10:00 AM

Panel discussion

Time to get even more interactive at our speaker panel — ask your questions and get your answers!

10:30 AM


What? The End? Yeahhss. But we are certain you learned something in the process. And luckily there is always the videos, the slides, the collaborative docs, and more. We’ll send them your way shortly. Thank you for joining us & see you again soon! ⛱