Jam Session

The night before the conference kicks off, we’re hosting a warm-up event with our dear friends from Shopify, with drinks and talks from your fellow attendees. We hope you’ll join us to connect ahead of the main event!
On Sunday September 8th, the doors will open at 19:00 at the Grünhof Coworking space. There will be a number of lightning talks and we will be providing some snacks, alcoholic beverages as well as soft drinks.
This event is for SmashingConf Freiburg attendees only. We will be doing a pre-registration so you can already pick up your badge and skip the line on the first conference day!
19:00 – Doors Open: Networking & Drinks
19:30 – Lightning Talks
Axe-Pro: A New Kind of Accessibility Tool by April Ellsey
Learn about a new accessibility tool from the makers of axe. Axe-pro equips dev teams with tools to perform more advanced accessibility testing without requiring special expertise. April Ellsey, the axe-pro product manager, will be there to show you axe-pro in action, and to let you know how you can join their axe-pro beta program.
Building Accessible Experiences by Liam Griffin
An online store must meet the needs of its shoppers. However, building accessible websites and applications doesn't mean having to compromise on the design or the end-user experience. This session will focus on how we at Shopify began to audit the accessibility of our themes, and how building accessible experiences can improve the overall user-experience of your projects.
How To Implement Responsive Images by Paolo Mioni
Responsive images have been available for a long time now. They are one of the most important tools to improve performance for image-heavy websites, especially on mobile devices. Implementing them correctly allows for big speed improvement for the end user, as well as significant bandwidth savings on the server side. Still, many developers I speak with think they only need three versions of the same image: one for mobile devices, one for tablets in portrait mode and one for desktops. We will look at a few options on how to manage responsive images in a real-life workflow.
How Studying History Of Arts Helped Me Become A Better Frontend Engineer by Nils Binder
You may think, art history and frontend development do not have much in common. Well, you may be surprised.
Some of the problems we have to deal with today were discussed in art history long before the invention of the Internet. Also, the skills needed to analyze a piece of art correctly show significant similarity to the capabilities required to implement modern layouts with CSS. Using three paintings from different eras, Nils will explore various aspects of UX engineering. This talk will show you how to analyze a static layout by looking beyond pixels. Instead, you will understand why a given design works the way it does and translate this to modern CSS.
20:30 – 23:00 – Networking & Drinks
Lightning talks are 10 minutes and should provide valuable techniques and be useful. If you’d like to speak, [send me an email](mailto:charis@smashingconf.com) and tell me what you'd like to speak about. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Belfortstraße 52,
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau