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Smashing Conference

The hunt for shiny front-end & UX treasures has begun! For our eight SmashingConf we’ll explore illustration libraries, design systems, refactoring, web performance, moving to a static site setup, CSS Grid techniques, performance, JavaScript and how to provide better estimates and authentication.

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  • Pablo Stanley

    Pablo Stanley is a Latinx designer. He is the co-founder and CEO at Bueno, Blush & Musho, and the creator of Humankind, and Robotos. Previously, lead designer at InVision, Udemy, and Lyft. He gives talks and workshops worldwide on product design, animation, illustration systems, storytelling, accessibility, behavioral economics, and the art of comics.

    He has a channel called Sketch Together, where he shares design tutorials, live streams, critiques, and other random stuff. Is also producing a kids animated show with TIME Studios, and his open-source doodles include Open Peeps, Avataaars, Humaaans, Open Doodles, Bottts, and Buttsss.

    Currently, Pablo is the designer and creator at Musho, an AI design tool transforming prompts into nearly-complete, dev-ready websites with simple layouts, great copy, and stunning images.

  • Eva Ferreira

    Evangelina Ferreira is a Front-end developer and teacher. She currently works as a UI Developer and has been teaching web technologies at the National Technological University of Argentina for more than five years.

    Throughout her career Evangelina has been deeply involved in the Argentinian web community. She enjoys giving workshops and talks and since 2015 she has been organizing CSSConf Argentina, an international non-profit event that brings experts from all around the globe to speak about web technologies.

    In her spare time she loves reading W3C drafts as much as Harry Potter, creating animations and playing with her cats.

  • Laura Kalbag

    Laura Kalbag is a British designer living in Ireland, and author of Accessibility For Everyone from A Book Apart. She’s founder of Small Technology Foundation, a tiny organisation advocating for and building small technology designed to increase human welfare, not corporate profits.

  • Ben Callahan

    Sparkbox was founded in 2009 with a mission to build a better web. As President, Ben has helped lead and grow the organization while they work alongside clients like Gap, The Oklahoma City Thunder, and Stanford University.

    He’s focused his energy most recently on developing a maturity model for design systems, articulating the anatomy of design systems, and chronicling his findings about workplace culture in the tech space. When not knee-deep in these explorations with others, Ben is a father, partner, poet, and home barista. His personal motto is, “Stay in learning mode” and this helps him to remember that every interaction is an opportunity to grow.

  • Jake Archibald

    Jake works on web standards stuff for Google Chrome, focusing on performance, and making the web more competitive with native platforms.

  • Andy Davies

    Andy is a Freelance Web Performance Consultant and has helped some of the UK’s leading retailers, newspapers and financial services companies make their sites faster.

    He's co-author of 'Using WebPageTest' published by O'Reilly and author of 'The Pocket Guide to Web Performance'.

    Andy is also one of the organisers of the London Web Performance Meetup.

  • Mandy Michael

    Mandy is a community organiser, speaker, writer and front end developer currently working as a Development Manager at Seven West Media in Western Australia. Her passion is front end technology and loves to experiment with new and old technologies to see how we can push the boundaries of what is possible on the web.

    She is an avid supporter of local communities and a strong advocate for women in technology, volunteering at events across Perth and Australia including She Codes, Muses JS and various conferences and school events. Mandy is the Founder and Organiser of Fenders a local meetup for Front End Developers, co-organiser and Director of Mixin Conf. In its inaugural year she was named one of the Top 20 Women in Tech in Western Australia.

  • Paul Boag

    Paul Boag is a leader in conversion optimisation, digital strategy and user experience design. He has been working with diverse organisations such as The European Commission, PUMA and Doctors Without Borders for over 25 years. Through consultancy and training, he helps organisations better connect with today’s digital consumers.

    Paul is also a well-respected figure in the digital sector. Author of six books, including Click,  Digital Adaptation and User Experience Revolution. Finally, he is a prolific writer for numerous publications, including his blog, and regularly speaks internationally.

  • Vlad Filippov

    Vlad is a software engineer working on the Web at Mozilla. His work has roamed widely: from desktop web development, to mobile, Android and games. He loves software testing, automation, and reverse engineering. His current focus is the Rust programming language. In the moments he is not coding, Vlad plays tennis and reads comments on the Internet.

  • Mystery Speaker

    Obviously, our Mystery Speaker is a bit of a… well, Mystery. In true smashing style, you can expect something wonderful. Make sure to set your alarm on day two of the conference, because you don't want to miss this.

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