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Michelle Barker

Michelle is a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, with an interest in green tech and creative coding. She is author of front-end blog CSS { In Real Life }, a writer for Smashing Magazine, Codrops and CSS Tricks, and a regular speaker on CSS topics. She has a background in illustration, and enjoys tinkering with code in creative demos and side projects, as well as helping others to fall in love with CSS.

Michelle Barker's Talk

Modern CSS Layout

Monday, 5th – 11:05

CSS layout has moved along in leaps and bounds in the past few years. Beyond flexbox and Grid, there is aspect-ratio, min, max and clamp functions, custom properties, and logical properties, all of which can help us solve common layout challenges. Plus a whole new range of features on the horizon (with some already landing in browsers!), including subgrid, container queries and the :has() pseudo-class (or “parent selector”).

As developers, the challenge is no longer whether something can be done in CSS, but which of these tools to reach for in our CSS toolbox! This session will aim to bring you up to speed with modern CSS layout, and demonstrate some creative use cases.