Thank you so much for joining us at SmashingConf Live. If you have purchased a ticket, we'll be sending the videos to you very soon. Looking forward to seeing you again!
Meet SmashingConf Live (August 20–21), a truly smashing, friendly online conference on front-end & UX. With interactive live sessions, practical insights, accessible speakers, collaborative notes and fireplace chats with like-minded folks. Jump to the speakers.
Ah, and the best bit: a conference in which you play an active role — taking part in live sessions, Q&As, discussion zones and challenges. To the schedule.
Jump to the tickets ↬
This event was supposed to happen in June. Any questions about your ticket, contact us.
Please respect our code of conduct and our accessibility statement.
Feel excited to join, but you think your manager could need just a little bit more persuasion? We’ve prepared a neat Convince Your Boss template. Good luck! 🤞🤞🏼🤞🏾
Our Smashing Speakers
Jared SpoolUser Experience
Heather BurnsPrivacy
Henri HelveticaWeb Performance
Josh ClarkMachine Learning, UX
Guillermo RauchServerless
Nadieh BremerData Visualization
Miriam SuzanneOddBirdCSS
Martin SplittCSS
Mystery Speaker
Phil HawksworthMC
Dan MallDesign Systems
Aarron WalterRemote Working
Chris CoyierShop Talk Show
Dave RupertShop Talk Show
Christian NwambaGraphQL
Trine FalbePrivacy
Rachel AndrewCSS
Katie HempeniusPerformance
Yoav WeissPerformance
Eli SchutzeInternationalization
Naomi MeyerInternationalization
Robyn LarsenInternationalization/Localization
Shane HudsonGit
Steven HooberDesign Audit
Vlad FilippovWeb Assembly
Paul BoagUX strategy