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Meets February 9, 2022.

All our Meets events are nice, interactive and (hopefully 😻) interesting. Our upcoming Meets for Good is meant to give you insight and inspiration in how you can design and develop your digital products in an ethical way.

We have two amazing speakers for you. We’ll start Laura Kalbag, who will explore if Web3 and ethics can go together at all. After a short break, we’ll continue with with UX professional and ethics teacher Trine Falbe, who will provide a framework how to better ‘sell’ ethical decision making. We’ll end with an interactive panel where you get to influence topics and ethical decision making.

We open our virtual doors 15 minutes before we start on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 8 AM PT 🌍 and we’ll finish around 11 AM.

🏙 8 AM — Seattle
🌴 11 AM — Miami
🏛️ 5 PM — Rome
🍜 12 Midnight — Shanghai


We love it when our speakers do live things: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So you can learn from their techniques (and mistakes).

Vitaly, the one who loves ironing, front-end, UX and has tons of crazy ideas.

Conference February 9

February 9 – Conference

7:45 AM

Doors Open

8:00 AM


The Meets for Good. Our friendly good host will welcome you with enthusiasms, quickly explain how the Meets will run, and throw around some digital balloons! We can’t wait to meet you!

8:15 AM

Web3 — creating problems where we need solutions

Web3 is one of Silicon Valley’s latest buzzwords, hoping to become a movement. Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, the metaverse, and NFTs may paint themselves as futuristic solutions to tech and society’s problems, but who really benefits from their use? We need to confront the harms of Web3. But first, we need to understand them. In this talk, Laura will explain the technologies behind Web3, why she believes they raise serious ethical questions, and how they are not the alternative to Big Tech we need.

Laura Kalbag
9:00 AM


10 minutes to stretch your legs, visit the cleanest event toilet ever, and get that (ethically sourced) flat white frappé.

9:10 AM

Selling Ethical Decisions

Ethical design often resonates faster with people than with businesses. So what we have is an industry with a growing ethical design maturity amongst the professionals, but a lower maturity level in the business as a whole.

Let’s change that!

In this exclusive Smashing Meets talk, Trine Falbe will present arguments and methods to get the buy-in needed to put ethical design on the agenda.

Trine Falbe
9:50 AM

Panel Discussion

In this interactive panel discussion, Vitaly and the panel will try to help you tackle your ethical day-to-day challenges.

Vitaly Friedman
10:30 AM


All Good things come to an end. Booh. But there is always the videos (and the slides, and the collaborative docs, etc etc.). Thank you for joining us & see you again soon! ⛱