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September 30, 2021.

All our Meets events are nice, interactive and interesting. This one is also fast :).

As anything good, we’ll start with the WHY. We have the amazing Tammy Everts, who will talk about Why Performance Matters — especially now, and why you should care.

She’ll be followed by Robin Marx, who knows a thing or three about performance and will do a quick HTTP/3 demo. After a quick break & networking session, we’ll continue with Addy Osmani who will go into the details of how to Optimize Images for the Core–Web–Vitals.

The event will be closed by a panel discussion where you can participate yourself.

We open our virtual doors 30 minutes before we start on Thursday September 30, 2021 at 9 AM PDT and we’ll finish around noon. All sessions will be captioned, courtesy of our accessibility partner Balsamiq.

🏎 9 AM — Los Angeles
📽 12 Noon — Toronto
🧀 6 PM — Amsterdam
🍜 12 Midnight — Singapore

We love it when our speakers do live things: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So you can learn from their techniques (and mistakes).

Vitaly, the one who loves ironing, front-end, UX and has tons of crazy ideas.

Conference September 30

September 30 – Conference

8:30 AM

Doors Open

8:30 AM

Smashingly Fast Quiz 🚄

A Fast Quiz by Smashing's Vitaly — providing an inside peek into how he helped optimizing the Smashing Magazine site. With prizes too.

9:00 AM


We feel the Meets. The Meets for Speed! Expect some fast welcome words, a quick guide to the platform and some friendly banter. We can’t wait to meet you!

9:15 AM

The Impact of Performance

We talk a lot about web performance, but a lot of these conversations are coming from a purely technical perspective. Most people have a gut feeling that performance is important, but exactly what influence it has on your users and your business is often overlooked.

In this talk we will not only look on this impact, but also give some practical guidance about which metrics – including Google's Core Web Vitals – we need to focus on.

10:00 AM

HTTP/3 Demo

A quick demo on HTTP/3, showing how it works and what that means for you!

10:15 AM

Speed Dating Break ☕️

We love getting to know you a little bit better. Join the session in Bubbles, a new online networking/meeting tool, and learn a bit more about your fellow attendees, the organisers and maybe even yourself! ;-).

10:30 AM

Picture Perfect - Optimize Images for Core Web Vitals

Images have been a key part of the web for decades. Our brains interpret images much faster than text, which is why high-quality visuals drive conversions and user engagement. Just think about landing pages and product photos, feature panels and hero areas. To be effective, all these images need to be carefully orchestrated to appear on the screen fast — but as it turns out, loading images efficiently at scale isn’t a project for a quiet afternoon.

Image optimization, loading behavior and rendering in the browser require understanding of image formats and image compression techniques, image decoding and browser rendering, image CDNs and adaptive media loading, not to mention effective caching and preloading. In this talk, you'll learn the tips and tricks that help production sites deliver images that have optimal Largest Contentful Paint and minimum Cumulative Layout Shift.

11:15 AM

Panel Discussion

In this interactive panel discussion, Vitaly will talk performance with our speakers, who will answer your questions. Fastest questions will be awarded prizes, so please bring your questions, be ready for some fast-paced discussion and insights, and fire away!

11:50 AM


All good things come to an end. Thankfully, you can relive it all with our videos, slides, and collaborative docs. We hope you’ll get back to work with new skills and fresh inspiration. Thank you for joining us! ⛱