Michelle Barker
Michelle is a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, with an interest in green tech and creative coding. She is author of front-end blog CSS { In Real Life }, a writer for Smashing Magazine, Codrops and CSS Tricks, and a regular speaker on CSS topics. She has a background in illustration, and enjoys tinkering with code in creative demos and side projects, as well as helping others to fall in love with CSS.
Building a Greener Web
December 7 – 8:10 AM
Climate change is real, but as an individual designer or developer, it's easy to feel (&say) that you have no real impact on the situation. But is that true?
In her talk, Michelle Barker will focus on how and why developers can make a difference, and where we fit in as part of a wider community. After the talk, you will leave feeling empowered rather than just scared!
- On the web
- https://css-irl.info/
- On LinkedIn
- michelle-barker-02819230