Let’s have some holiday fun! Turn on the holiday lights, get your favorite drink and wear your favorite jumper.
Join us for a few hours of interesting talks and challenges by our awesome speakers, all online!
Ok. This is important. Smashing Meets by @smashingconf was soooo much fun. I will have to tune in whenever the timezone suits, it was an absolute blast!!!
Mandy Michael
Mandy is a community organiser, speaker, writer and front end developer currently working as a Development Manager at Seven West Media in Western Australia. Her passion is front end technology and loves to experiment with new and old technologies to see how we can push the boundaries of what is possible on the web.
She is an avid supporter of local communities and a strong advocate for women in technology, volunteering at events across Perth and Australia including She Codes, Muses JS and various conferences and school events. Mandy is the Founder and Organiser of Fenders a local meetup for Front End Developers, co-organiser and Director of Mixin Conf. In its inaugural year she was named one of the Top 20 Women in Tech in Western Australia.
Adekunle Oduye
Adekunle Oduye (Add-eh-koon-lay Oh-due-yay) is a UX Engineer born and raised in the great city of New York. Currently he is at Mailchimp where he is helping to build a design system that serves millions of users. He enjoys working where design meets development. Some of the topics he's interested in are design systems, data visualization and UI animation. When Adekunle isn't building software, you can probably find him planning his next travel adventure or living his best life.
- On the web
- http://www.adekunleoduye.com/
Ben Hong
Ben Hong is a Vue.js Core Team member and a Senior Developer Experience (DX) Engineer at Netlify. He is also a developer / psychologist / educator hybrid who is passionate about creating products that help to empower people with new skills and knowledge regardless of their background.
- On the web
- https://www.bencodezen.io/
Michelle Barker
Michelle is a Senior Front End Developer at Ada Mode, with an interest in green tech and creative coding. She is author of front-end blog CSS { In Real Life }, a writer for Smashing Magazine, Codrops and CSS Tricks, and a regular speaker on CSS topics. She has a background in illustration, and enjoys tinkering with code in creative demos and side projects, as well as helping others to fall in love with CSS.
- On the web
- https://css-irl.info/
- On LinkedIn
- michelle-barker-02819230