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Hello, Ni hao, Bonjour and Hello in many other languages.

Join us for about two and a half hours of talks, discussions and questions about JavaScript by our amazing speakers. Hosted by Tejas Kumar, with JavaScript experts Jad Joubran, Jessie Auguste and Shruti Kapoor on the lineup, we are looking forward to a great session!

Our speakers…

  • are knowledgeable and experienced,
  • provide practical take-aways and examples you can use in your own projects,
  • show how they work, not just talk about it,
  • can’t wait to share their knowledge ,
  • and are smashingly nice.

  • Tejas Kumar

    Tejas has been writing code since age 8. Since then, he has worked either full-time or contractually for Spotify, Vercel, G2i, and others, picking up things along the way. His jobs have been some mix of Individual Contributor (coding-heavy) roles, and managerial roles between companies.

    Today, he travels the world equipping and encouraging developers to do their best work, aiming to make the world a better place through quality software.

    In March 2024 his new book Fluent React will released. This practical book will help you take a deep dive into fundamental concepts of React.

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  • Jad Joubran

    Jad Joubran is a Google Developer Expert, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, and Freelance Web Performance Consultant based in Amsterdam. His passion for JavaScript led him to create and develop the most interactive, step by step courses for JavaScript, React, Programming basics, and HTML CSS.

  • Jessie Auguste

    Jessie is an award winning Software Engineer at CybSafe, Co-Founder and Co-host of the Glowing in Tech podcast. She is a key part of the Leadership Team for Coding Black Females.

    She’s delivered technical talks for companies including LeadDev, codebar, General Assembly, Docker, Girls into Coding & Daily Dev. She has also instructed and delivered courses on behalf of companies such as Love Circular, CybSafe, Coding Black Females and UBS.

  • Shruti Kapoor

    Shruti Kapoor is a lead member of technical staff at Slack. She speaks and shares technical content on React, JavaScript, Accessibility, front end programming along with productivity and motivation tips.