Jessie Auguste
Jessie is an award winning Software Engineer at CybSafe, Co-Founder and Co-host of the Glowing in Tech podcast. She is a key part of the Leadership Team for Coding Black Females.
She’s delivered technical talks for companies including LeadDev, codebar, General Assembly, Docker, Girls into Coding & Daily Dev. She has also instructed and delivered courses on behalf of companies such as Love Circular, CybSafe, Coding Black Females and UBS.
OWASP and Secure Software Development Practices
April 25 – 8:50 AM
"The problem of insecure software is perhaps the most important technical challenge of our time”
-- Eoin Keary, OWASP Global Board --
How do we make sure that secure software development practices are embedded in how we build web applications? In this talk, Jessie will be introducing the OWASP Top 10, and you'll learn how to leverage these resources to deliver more robust, efficient and secure code.
- On the web