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Meets September 14, 2023.

All our Meets events are nice, interactive and (hopefully 😻) interesting. Our upcoming Meets Magical UX will show you how magical UX can be, and how you can make your project’s UX more magical as well!

We have three magical UX experts speaking at our event. Register your free ticket and spread the love! We open our virtual doors 15 minutes before we start on Thursday, September 14, 2023 at 8 AM PT 🌍 and we’ll finish around 11 AM.

🌤️ 8 AM — Stanford (CA)
🌨️ 11 AM — Harvard (MA)
🌧️ 4 PM — Oxford (UK)
🌦️ 5 PM — Sorbonne (FR)


We love it when our speakers do live things: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So you can learn from their techniques (and mistakes).

Vitaly, the one who loves ironing, front-end, UX and has tons of crazy ideas.

Conference September 14

September 14 – Conference

7:45 AM

Doors Open

8:00 AM


For our upcoming Smashing Meets event on UX, our friendly hosts Vitaly & Jarijn will welcome you and quickly explain how the Meets will run. We can’t wait to meet you!

8:10 AM

The Collaborative Canvas — How to Map Design Decisions

Want to have smarter, more consistent design decisions? Reproducible, extensible and primed for automation and AI generation?

Design decision graphs are the new solution to storing both design tokens, as well as all of the context and knowledge needed to generate and use the tokens across any platform.

In his talk, Marco will show how to work with these graphs, and how to version and sync them across multiple design tools for full interopability.

Marco-Christian Krenn
8:50 AM

Embracing the Magic of Narrative UX

Unleash the potential of storytelling in UX design with a focus on ethical considerations and practical insights!

In her talk, Chiara will explore the charming world of Narrative UX, where the magic of storytelling weaves through user journeys, creating seamless and empathetic interactions and enticing users to yearn for more!

Together we will uncover the "tricks" behind persuasive, empathetic, and imaginative experiences. But remember, magic always comes with a price and can hide a "dark side"!

Be prepared to discuss the potential harm of manipulative design elements that deceive users through storytelling. Using real-world examples, designers will learn how to create captivating and inspiring experiences by infusing narratives (and transparency) into their work.

Chiara Aliotta
9:30 AM


Time for a 10 minute break to stretch those legs, use that (super-clean 🫧) toilet and give the gray matter a small break!

9:40 AM

Designing Beyond The Happy Path

Mockups reflect an idealized version of the product: the perfect text size, faultless content, taken during a perfect user journey. They fall apart once confronted with real content, technical limitations, and the vast diversity of user need. We call those scenarios “edge cases”. However, these aren't exceptions but an essential part of the user experience.

In this talk, Stéphanie aims to redefine our approach to design by incorporating these 'edge cases' in the design process from the start. Doing so, we can build more robust, inclusive and scalable products.

Stéphanie Walter
10:20 AM

Panel discussion

Time to get even more interactive at our speaker panel — ask your questions and get your answers!

10:50 AM


What? The End? Noooos! But we are certain you learned something, and had some fun in the process. And luckily there is always the videos, the slides, the collaborative docs, and more. We’ll send them your way shortly. Thank you for joining us & see you again soon! ⛱