Scott Jehl
Scott Jehl is a designer/developer at Filament Group who lives in sunny Florida, USA. Scott is a tireless advocate of practices that ensure web access for all. He is a frequent presenter at conferences throughout the world and is always chipping away at various open source projects with his colleagues at Filament.
Scott is the author of Responsible Responsive Design (2014, A Book Apart), and co-author of Designing with Progressive Enhancement (2010, New Riders). Scott also loves to surf.
Move Fast & Don’t Break Things
Wed, 16th – 3:00 PM
Performance is a high priority for any site of scale today, but it can be easier to make a site fast than to keep it that way. As a site's features and design evolves, its performance is often threatened for a number of reasons, making it hard to ensure fast, resilient access to services.
In this session, Scott will draw from real-world examples where business goals and other priorities have conflicted with page performance, and share some strategies and practices that have helped major sites overcome those challenges to defend their speed without compromises.
- On the web