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Designing For Complex UI Masterclass

Vitaly Friedman

Your instructor
Vitaly Friedman

Workshop includes:

  • 🔖 Examples to take away
  • 🗣 Interactive sessions
  • 📺 Workshop recordings
  • 🎤 Dedicated Q&A time
  • 🏅 Smashing Certificate

Unfortunately, this workshop is fully sold out! But you can join the waiting list in case a ticket becomes available:

Workshop, 5×2h + Q&A Thu & Fri, June 20 – July 2 2024
09:00 – 11:30 AM PT 18:00 – 20:30 CET Check your time zone

Not much can surprise us when it comes to interface challenges. We can design a decent card, a well-rounded accordion, an accessible modal and an exquisite hamburger navigation. But what if there are slightly more complex UX challenges ahead of us?

Well, complex UI doesn’t have to be complicated. In this online workshop with Vitaly Friedman, UX consultant and creative lead behind Smashing Magazine, we’ll dive deep into dissecting how to solve complex design problems. Whether you’re working on a complex nested multi-level navigation or creating enterprise grade tables, this workshop will give you the tools you need to excel at your work.

Here’s What You Should Be Expecting:

  • Interactive live sessions

    5 × 2.5h live sessions

  • Practical insights

    Learn & practice how to apply

  • Hands-on exercises

    With reviews by your teachers

  • Life-time access

    To all video recordings and examples

  • Dedicated Q&A time

    To ask all your questions

  • Smashing Certificate

    A well-deserved reward for your work

Video Message From Vitaly (1 min)

A short 1-min introduction to the workshop by Vitaly himself.

You’ll Learn:

In this workshop you’ll learn:

  • Complex mega-dropdowns with 4+ levels of navigation, layout, interaction design, sideways navigation, breadcrumbs, top task analysis, mobile/desktop (e.g. large university websites),
  • Complex modals and onboarding UX, confirm vs. undo behavior, right timing, interaction design, with guidelines and best practices to improve click-through rates and decrease mistakes (e.g. enterprise software),
  • Complex multi-page forms, focusing on form components, one-column vs. multi-column layout, error recovery, inline validation, progress bars, routing, conditional reveal, disabled buttons, error messages, input buffering (e.g. complex multi-column multi-page forms with dozens of steps),
  • Enterprise-grade tables, complex use-cases with inline editing, filtering, tagging, sorting and search — on mobile and on desktop (insurance, loss prevention),
  • Dashboards, charts and spreadsheets, with complex layouts, data editing, inline filtering, infinite scroll UX, “load more” vs. pagination, access to footer and access to the current state, mobile optimizations,
  • Complex filtering, layout, auto-apply vs. manual apply, filtering overlays, filtering and sorting intervals, best practices and guidelines, on mobile and on desktop (public archives, media library, large catalogs of products),
  • Search and Autocomplete UX, with layout and interaction design, when to show/hide suggestions, search query iteration, autocomplete blindness, faceted search, smart suggestions, type-ahead pattern, keyboard navigation, on mobile and on desktop (e.g. in eCommerce),
  • Accessibility of complex interfaces, designing for older adults and children, colorblindness, neurodiversity, dyslexia, deafness, autism, technical considerations, focus traps, navigation, announcements of notifications, keyboard support,
  • Privacy UX and State of Authentication in 2024, and how to gather accurate data while avoiding legal battles and respecting user’s data,
  • 100s of real-life examples, government and university websites, trip planners, financial services, eCommerce, online banking, configurators, insurance and mortgage calculators, data grids and enterprise products.
  • Checklist for complex UIs with guidelines and decisions to consider when designing any component in a complex setting.

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is for interface designers, front-end designers and developers who’d love to be prepared for complex and time-consuming design challenges. You’ll walk away with a toolbox of techniques and examples of doing things well — in your product, website, desktop app or mobile app, be it a small mobile app or a large enterprise application.

About Vitaly Friedman

Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most helping companies solve UX issues or running front-end/UX workshops. He loves solving complex UX, front-end and performance problems.

Time & Schedule

This workshop is split over five days. Our virtual doors open at 8:45, we start at 9 AM PT.

The workshop sessions will run on the following days:

  • Thu, June 20, 09:00 – 11:30 AM PT
  • Fri, June 21, 09:00 – 11:30 AM PT
  • Thu, June 27, 09:00 – 11:30 AM PT
  • Fri, June 28, 09:00 – 11:30 AM PT
  • Tue, July 2, 09:00 – 11:30 AM PT

You can always re-watch the sessions at a more convenient time and follow the workshop at your own pace.

Day 1: Complex Navigation

8:45 AM PT
Virtual doors open, registration, chat and introductions.

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Complex mega-drop-down navigation, carousels, breadcrumbs, sideways navigation, modals and overlays, focus traps, top task analysis. Advanced configurators, wizards and customizers.

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A with Vitaly on the day’s material. Networking!

Day 2: Complex Tables and Dashboards

8:45 AM PT
Virtual doors open, registration, chat and introductions.

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Enterprise-grade tables and data grids, grouping rows and columns, multi-sorting, query constructors, modals, twister truncation, pivot modes, with inline editing, statuses, dashboards UX and design patterns for expert users.

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A with Vitaly on the day’s material. Networking!

Day 3: Complex Forms

8:45 AM PT
Virtual doors open, registration, chat and introductions.

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Form design metrics, user behavior with forms, layout, microcopy and interaction design, one-column vs. multi-column layout, one-page vs. multi-page design, progress bars, routing, conditional reveal, error recovery, inline validation, disabled buttons, input buffering, task list pattern.

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A with Vitaly on the day’s material. Networking!

8:45 AM PT
Virtual doors open, registration, chat and introductions.

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Search and autocomplete UX, navigation queries, search query constructor, logical operators, sorting, inline filtering, scope suggestions, search results customization, clustering, scrollbar range intervals, tap-ahead queries, keyboard navigation.

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A with Vitaly on the day’s material. Networking!

Day 5: Complex Interaction

8:45 AM PT
Virtual doors open, registration, chat and introductions.

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Accessibility, drag-and-drop, resizing, error recovery, password recovery, filtering and sorting intervals, Auto-apply vs. Manual apply, Cancel vs. Close, Confirm vs. Undo, 2-page-login, authentication UX, data visualization, interactive charts.

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Q&A with Vitaly on the day’s material. Networking!

What hardware/software do you need?

To view the webinars, please install the Zoom client for Meetings, which is available for all the main OSs. It may take a little time to download and install, so please grab it ahead of time if you can.

You’ll need a lot of sleep reserves since it’s going to be a couple of packed sessions! Bring a lot of attention to detail and non-standard thinking to this one! ;-)

Unfortunately, this workshop is fully sold out! But you can join the waiting list in case a ticket becomes available:
