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Farai Madzima

Born in Zimbabwe, Farai was going to be doctor but didn’t get the grades. Now he's a designer. Make of that what you will.

Farai Madzima is a UX Lead at Shopify in Ottawa. He’s an interaction designer and organiser of Pixel Up! meetups and conferences.

In South Africa, Farai designed banking apps used by many across the continent. He grappled with unique design challenges because most internet users have never used a laptop or desktop. And some buy data by the megabyte.

Farai likes words in all languages, township jazz, nerdy hip-hop, and the number 127.

Farai Madzima's Talk

Inclusion Is Not Your Job

Tuesday, 10th – 1:40 PM

In his “Inclusion is not your job” talk, Farai will discuss practical ways we can be inclusive. Turns out, even if we are not in HR or a manager, we can do a lot!