Graham McDonnell
A multi award-winning creative, speaker and lecturer with over seventeen years in the industry, specialising in creating immersive, emotionally-driven stories for a wide variety of brands across the globe.
After over a decade of leading creative teams agency-side, I joined The New York Times creative content studio to deliver brand experiences at the highest creative standards. The results are innovative, award-winning projects that are not only emotionally compelling, but also deliver significant measurable results.
Over the past few years I have had the privilege of speaking alongside presidents, celebrities and industry-leaders at creative events across the world, including Cannes Lions, Awwwards and WebSummit. I also lecture for design schools in London, Paris and New York and serve on the judging panel for The World Media Awards and FWA.
Storytelling: The Secret Weapon For Brands
Tuesday, 10th – 12:15 PM
The New York Times is the most innovative storyteller in the world, famous for turning complex subjects into digestible narratives with its unique brand of storytelling. It's in-house brand studio is responsible for applying these techniques to branded content in a way that's creative, visceral and keeps the audience engaged.
As former Creative Director of the studio, I'll go through some of the greatest success stories in recent years and some of the design and storytelling methods we utilise to bring these stories to life.
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