Whitney Homans
Whitney is a Senior Design Manager over UX Content Strategy at Mailchimp. She started the UX Content Strategy discipline at Mailchimp in 2017 and has grown it into a team of 7 that works cross-functionally among Mailchimp's product areas.
She does Ashtanga yoga, loves a good em dash, and continues to enthusiastically suffer through Georgia sports.
The Brand of Content Strategy
Tuesday, 10th – 11:05 AM
Why is this growing discipline still so hard to understand?
A decade in, the practice of content strategy has grown tremendously, but we're still struggling to define the brand of the discipline within our own companies and design departments. Even with investment and demonstrable impact, our peers and partners can struggle to understand and articulate what it is exactly we do: It's basically experience strategy, right? It's mostly just copy, yeah? It's definitely Design. It's kind of Marketing. We'll talk about where this misshapen brand identity comes from, how to (re)establish it, and how to make it stick.
- On the web
- http://www.whitneyhomans.com