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Phil Nash

Phil Nash is a developer evangelist for Twilio. Sometimes he writes code on stage in front of a crowd, praying inside that everything works. Sometimes he writes open source code, which is much less stressful because if it is wrong someone else can correct it. He blogs on this site and on the Twilio blog and you’ll find plenty of code there too.

Phil Nash's Talk

Diving Into Service Workers, Live

Wed, 26th – 10:30 AM

The service worker is the host to a bunch of APIs; caches, clients, fetches, requests and responses. Each service worker recipe uses a little of each to produce different effects for your application.

In this session, Phil Nash will take a regular website and apply various service worker strategies to make it work offline. We'll see the tools available for building and debugging with service workers, take a tour through testing, and bring it all together to make better, more resilient application experiences for our users.

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